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Second half in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+9Posted:2018-09-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: secondhandsecond handsecond-handsecond-hand storesecondsecondlysecondarypicosecondMeaning: n. the second of two halves of play. 
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121. Three times during the second half, Stanford opens the lead to fifteen.
122. Bucs tight end Jackie Harris sustained a groin pull and sat out the second half.
123. Ten minutes into the second half Davies was brought on as substitute for Ward.
124. And all but one of them received their first performance appraisal from their superiors in the second half of the year.
125. And then in the second half they went on the rampage.
126. The second half of the day was building a wall.
127. Despite the bad calls, the Ducks pull away from Santa Clara in the second half.
128. Speed had dropped back and Wallace moved upwards in the second half.
129. The Matadors' shoddy spell in the second half ruined a good game.
130. Turner provided the team the spark they needed in the second half.
131. The Clippers played better in the second half but couldn't overtake the Rockets and lost by eight points.
132. In the second half, Swindon should have sewn it up.
133. United came bouncing back with an equaliser at the start of the second half.
134. Dundela got it together in the second half and it was Dean Smyth's turn to save his side.
135. They twice hit back and were sufficiently in charge of the second half to have nicked the much-needed points themselves.
136. Seaman badly bruised a hip and came off early in the second half last weekend but has received extensive treatment.
137. Keller badly bruised a hip, and came off early in the second half of the match.
138. The Lions ran into similar refereeing trouble as in Auckland in the second match, conceding 15 penalties during the second half.
139. In the second half we consider the practical side of exploring the island of Madeira.
140. Gregory pounced on Graham Connell's driven cross ten minutes into the second half.
141. The career of Ibrahim Nanno represents a not untypical career pattern among constables in the second half of the nineteenth century.
142. The second half was keenly fought, but neither side managed to score, although Trojans missed a penalty flick.
143. The match was marred by first-half fighting and 15 penalties against the Lions in the second half.
144. Dartford's hopes also crumbled rapidly when Exeter scored three times in an eight-minute spell in the second half.
145. By the second half of the game, the Tigers had really started to put the pedal to the metal.
146. Tommy Donnelly's Campsie B moved into contention in the second half but their efforts were shortlived.
146. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
147. But the giant duo strode imperiously through the mud during the second half to set up Saints' two match-clinching tries.
148. It could be done: gradually, in the second half of the six months, he grew in confidence.
149. Arizona State maintained a shred of momentum early in the second half.
150. Portsmouth soon equalised and a stalemate followed in the second half, although Alton had some good chances.
More similar words: secondhandsecond handsecond-handsecond-hand storesecondsecondlysecondarypicosecondsplit-secondsecond windsecond selfsplit secondsecond to nonesecond bestsecond basesecond matesecond gearsecondmentnanosecondsecond-ratesecond-bestsecond-classfemtosecondsecondarilysecond comingsecond-guesssecond classmicrosecondbits per secondmillisecond
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